Sunday 14 March 2010

Oh Em Gee! Actual jewellery...

Well, in progress anyway.

I liked the idea of making miiiillions of studs; when you sell at school craft fairs dangly earrings don't seem to sell well...well I found out why when my niece decided she'd like to have a yank on mine! So absolutely ages ago I bought lots of pretty cabs; I've just gotten around to gluing the backs on. I've used epoxy glue, so it should be a decent bond. There they are sitting on a bit of CD case on my perfume shelf (yes, I have a whole shelf for perfume! When the boys at work tell me my clothes are budget I wholeheartedly agree; I have nicer smelling things to spend my money on!). Will take another photo when they're mounted on nice card holder thingies :) Sidenote, this was taken on my camera phone...not arf bad eh?

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